Friday, April 2, 2010


I am going to talk about the new MUDrug. The name might sound a bit odd and new.. ha thats only because I came up with the name MUDrug. MUdrug - the new drug that I have recently discovered and Dear oh dear! I am so addicted to it. No need to brainstorm or scratch your hair off, i am talking about the MUSIC DRUG - MUsic Drug.

I am a computer engineering student, which implies that I have to sit down on my seat for hours together and keep my eyes stuck on the screen continuously... and all this happens at SUPER SILENT RESEARCH LABORATORIES. I can bare with all... but not SILENCE and specially the silence filled with keys pressed here and there. KILLING!! talking of PROS and CONS of the MUDrug, ha ha ha lets talk only of pros rather lets LISTEN to Pros and bang our heads in agreement.c00l.

The PROS of MUDrug:

1. stress it off
2. some activity when you move your booty on the chair
3. active listening (psst.... whatcha listening to?)
4. updated Music knowledge
5. you dont miss out on the humor in you while you keep yourself plugged into a radio station.
6. you never forget the art of headbanging
7. you never miss out on the lyrics of that song which seems to be stuck on the playlist like forever.
8. HIP HOP is my first love and baby, i get my daily dose starting right from the time i look at the sun and then to my mp3 player.
9. Music has got all the PROS in the world.. talk of social connectivity, MUSIC binds the world together aww.. MJ-Heal The World! some thing ringing??

The CONS of MUDrug:

1. you might want to believe in those super pseudo scientists who keep claiming new claims all the time.
2. cons of MUDrug exist only for those who are unaware of the greatest immortal discovery by the mortals - MUSIC
3. i really dont know any CONS of MUDrug unless you consider this DRUG as a DRUG!
ha ha ha
just move on the floor oops! the chair.. and keep moving your head, your booty and everything that is possible for you to move...
MUDrug has got all that makes life worth living... hey i got more PROS to this drug.. i continue the list

people, just think of how many times have you switched to listening to the radio or sad songs when you fell in love or when you broke off?
think of how many times you switched on the bass high to dance your blues away
think of how many people you got to know on the dance floor, music was omniscient there
think of all the times when you heard a friendly number and called up your friends to catch up on things..
think of how many tracks you relate to for a the numerous happenings in your ever eventful life.

think of all this... and then think of MUDrug..

Dude! I made some point here.

Talk About the Preamble to the Indian Constitution

Here are some amendments in the Preamble which must be undertaken as soon as possible. At least before India gets drowned in poverty, super secularism and what not. Again I request you all to think… to ponder over it.

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a

SOVEREIGN - governed by corrupt Netas who pay to rule. Personal Suggestion – India can be a better Monarchy than any in history. (Surrender all powers to one capable man with a humongous gray matter.)

SOCIALIST – too much of socializing has not done any good to India so far. Under social equality all are equal before law and has equal status and opportunities. If Indians are to witness fights like those between Gujjars and Meenas or the north Indians and the Maharashtrans. Well, this one should better be removed for the good.

SECULAR - It implies equality of all religions and religious tolerance. Sounds nice. All respect. Please take care of hypocrisy at all levels before enforcing this. I am sure it will sound better.

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC – We, Indians, here are ready to certify that we do not respect or understand the meaning of this strange term democratic republic. Thus, we have posted advertisements like IDEA- kya idea hain sir jee! - to promote the understanding of this term. Also, we are happy to declare that the Tata Tea advertisement which propagates the need to vote, is being well received. Although, we are not hoping much result because of GOVERNMENT interventions, however, we still hope that the youth will wake up to it.

and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political – Haven’t heard much of economic justice and political justice looks like an oxymoron. Social Justice, is pretty amusing a thought, for it has been generations that Mr. Sharma and now his family are taking rounds of the court for a case where they are innocent. Did someone hear – JUSTICE FAILS!
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship – Need not say much about this. We, Indians have explored this avenue of the Preamble pretty much to our advantage.
LIBERTY, sounds like an etched term now, for most of us are now misusing it.
HAIL EQUALITY. No one has been treated equally since this was written. Want an example – Answer this- Why is Mayawati all hailing for Dalits?

and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation – we shall consider this one, after we are through with the previous ones. Until now, individual dignity seems too far fetched for a thought. India would not have been considered CONSERVATIVE (which is again hypocrisy) if it would have followed this part. About, Unity, when this was written, India was united. Today, Unity among members of the same family seems like a dream, thought of national unity should be kept aside.
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY
ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION… that has since then never been followed.